Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What's growing around here...

I wanted to share a few pictures of what is growing around here!  It's so exciting for me, as most of my fruit trees are now going into their second year, and showing progress.  The garden is also doing much better then last year.  We moved in, last year on Memorial weekend and didn't get to the garden until June.  It was too late, too hot, and not enough rain.  The outcome was more then disappointing.  I feel so blessed to see some green growing in my garden and pray for a better outcome then last!

I have three cherry trees and they are all looking great.  Now, if  I can just keep the birds away!

I have NEVER had any luck with blueberries... I'm thinking this could be the year!

Apples!  I have 15 trees in my little orchard, and I can't wait to have bunches and bunches...

Pumpkins.  These here are Big Max, but we also have plenty of pie pumpkins coming up.

Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage and Potatoes are doing really well

Along with the corn, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beans, peas, onions, cucumbers and squash, I count it a blessing.  All we can do is plant and then have a little faith. 

We are in need of some rain, however.  It's been at least two weeks, since the last nice storm. So the kids and I gave the apple trees a good drink of water today.   

 We have been watching the progress of this wild flower growing along the fence line.  I have no idea what it is, but am anxious for it to bloom.  Any ideas, out there on what it could be?

From my garden to yours....

♥  Shannon


  1. Oh I LOVED seeing your garden! Everything looks wonderful! I hope to plant some apple trees and lots of berries on our homestead. Thank you for sharing! Have a lovely week~

    1. Thank you. I hope you can get apple trees too, we are so excited about the progress of ours!

  2. Oh i do wish I had a good garden going. But hsven't been able to for a couple years. Yours looks great!

  3. Shannon, everything looks wonderful! And no weeds in your garden. I can't even begin to imagine..... :)

    1. Oh, the weeds will be coming... we haven't had much rain... :)
